Just one short week after Liam lost a tooth front and center, Max has followed suit and lost his first tooth! Max's bottom tooth has been loose for weeks, but he just started crying at mealtime, a sure sign around here that the tooth is really about to come out. Of course, it wouldn't be a Max story without a whole lot of drama. When I went to pull the tooth for him, the boys' friend C., who is older, was here to play. Max was awfully scared (or acting awfully scared) and started crying, even though C. and Liam both assured him that it would feel like such a relief to finally have the tooth out. Still Max was unconvinced and refused to let me pull it.
So I did the only thing I could do: I tricked him. I told him I was just going to wiggle it, then I used a tissue and gently wiggled the thing all around, then pulled it right out. I hid the tooth in the tissue.
"Did you pull my tooth out?" Max demanded suspiciously.
"Why?" I innocently replied. "Does it feel better or something?"
"SO much better!!"
As Max reported later on the phone to Aunt Bethany, "My mom pulled out my tooth, and then I cried a little, but it felt really good."
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