Henry has finally reached his vocabulary explosion! He's adding new words every day now, and just in time -- the pediatrician told us he would need speech therapy if he didn't have 15-20 words by 18 months. Well, he's 18 months today, and he has met and passed the 20-word threshold this week. I stopped keeping track after the first 20, but if you're interested, here they are:
1. mama
2. dada
3. uh oh
4. ball
5. dog
6. cat
7. light
8. bye bye
9. boo (as in peekaboo)
10. banana
11. go
12. baby
13. hey
14. no
15. yes
16. shoe
17. Max
18. boom
19. shoot
20. Greta (one of the cats)
He can also point to his nose, ears, eyes, and shoes with a fair amount of success. And he definitely understands what we're saying. The other day, I was shopping with all three boys. I slipped some marshmallows into the cart when they weren't looking (for hot chocolate), but eagle-eyed Liam spotted them immediately, so Liam and Max bent over the sides of the cart to peer in at what else I might have added. "You boys sure are nosy!" I said. And Henry pointed at my face and said, "There!"
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