Our baby is officially a toddler! Henry had his birthday last week, and we've been "celebrating" by passing a flu virus from one to the other around here. Today is the first day in over a week that we haven't had at least one kid home sick from school. Ah, the trials of parenthood!
But about Henry. He is, according to his pediatrician, in "the age of mobility and curiosity." I can't think of anything that describes him better. He is into everything. He particularly likes to open drawers and fling their contents all over the room. Barring that, he likes to crawl up to my desk, stand up, and pull off everything he can reach and fling it all over the room. For some unknown reason, Liam has a collection of acorns upstairs in his nightstand drawer, and every night when the boys are getting ready for bed, Henry is in that drawer, and I end up pulling six or seven acorns out of his mouth. Not at one time -- he waits until I'm distracted with one of the bigger boys, then he's over there like a flash, squirreling (hah!) a few into several hidden locations before he pops the first one into his mouth. So while I'm dealing with the first one and guarding the stash in the drawer, he's reaching for a second (hidden) one. Sneaky little devil!
Henry's birthday party was Sunday, and due to the aforementioned plague, attendance was very low. Klaudia made the cakes (see below -- they are awesome), and Bethany brought her over to drop them off, but they didn't stay long in an effort to avoid infection. Which left just my parents. And that was just about perfect for a laid-back Sunday afternoon celebration.
Henry was a little uncertain about his cake and what he was supposed to do with it. He finally got some frosting on his fingers, only to frown at it and then try to shake it off. He did this several times, and as a result the walls and door were covered in a Jackson Pollock-like coating. Eventually, Max stepped in to show him how it was done (a job he lobbied for tirelessly).
It's hard to believe Henry's a year old already. It's gone by so quickly! He's got teeth, he's cruising, he feeds himself and drinks milk instead of formula, the whole works. He's even starting to say a few words regularly, including mama, dada, uh oh, and cat. And judging from his suddenly disrupted sleep patterns, I think he's about hit another major milestone. Walking, maybe? We'll keep you posted.
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