27 1/4 inches
Everything went great at Henry's six-month checkup. He is meeting all of his milestones and is a very happy baby. The only thing of concern is that he's in the 90th percentile for height, but only the 20th percentile for weight. The doctor says we need to fatten him up a bit.
He is at such a fun age right now, and he's just so cool. There's really no other word for it. He is the happiest baby, always smiling and interactive, and only really cries when he needs something. He still laughs only rarely, but he's so content to just be with his people, smiling and making faces and talking to us.
He's rolling around like crazy -- we finally gave in this weekend and bought an area rug for the living room so he would quit rolling and hitting his head on the wood floor. He also scoots himself backward all around the room, which the big boys think is hilarious to watch. And Liam and Henry, especially, will sit and have nonsense baby talk conversations for long periods at a time, which I think is hilarious to watch.
Henry's healthy, he's happy, and he just seems to be so joyful -- what more could we want?
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