He rolls everywhere now, and he's been trying like crazy to sit up. He smiles constantly, and laughs occasionally. He's been getting used to eating solid food, too, and I can report that he hates rice cereal but loves oatmeal, hates carrots and squash but loves bananas and prunes (he was indifferent to peaches). As previously noted, he loves playing in his exersaucer, on his play gym, and on the floor up in Max's room. He's getting awfully good at putting his fingers in his mouth, pulling his pacifier out, and gumming everything possible. No teeth yet, but I think that's on track with big brothers.
Henry's five-month "birthday" coincided with Max's real fourth birthday, but we didn't do anything too exciting, just picked up some dinner and spent the evening playing Wii games. This was due in large part to another of Henry's "firsts" for this month -- he brought home his very first flu virus to infect mom and dad! Ah, what a proud day that was.
See also: one month, two months, three months, four months.
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