Sunday, I took another break from the becuter so Mike and I could carve pumpkins with the boys. It was kind of exciting for all of us. We sat around the table and dreamed up what we wanted our jack o' lanterns to look like, then drew their faces on paper and transferred them to the pumpkins. Then the fun began. Liam was totally willing to dig into his pumpkin and remove the innards. Max tried it tentatively, but proclaimed it "yucky" and "sticky" and decided he waned nothing more to do with it. Liam did pretty well with the carving, too, but after his pumpkin was done, he lost interest. The boys went off to play with their toys, but Mike stayed behind to carve his own masterpiece.

The other big news around here is Legos. Mike has a ton of Legos from when he was a boy, and we've saved them in a box in the basement all this time, just waiting for Liam to be old enough to play with them. On Friday, Mike brought up the box and they put together some spaceships. Liam has taken to the Legos like crazy. He loves making new things. Max likes them too, but mostly for their ability to scatter all over the floor, causing pain to anyone who walks in the area.

Max has something to celebrate, too: potty training! He's just getting started, and for right now, I'm just taking him first thing in the morning, but he's used the toilet every morning this week. We're very proud of him, and he's very proud of himself. He gets a sticker on his calendar every time he goes, and this morning, he earned enough stickers (5) to pick out a prize (a new jet).
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