Saturday night, we dropped the boys off with a babysitter and headed to scenic Crown Point for Popi's 40th birthday party. Because Popi is Greek, my mom thought she would "honor" her with a skit about the three Fates. Of course, in my mom's version, one fate is a weaving drunk, one is a cross-dressing giggler, and one is obsessed with creative ways for Popi to die. Note the horrified anticipation of Bethany and Stephanie in the first picture. The second picture is of Marlene, Doug, Loni, Kent, and Maria just after the skit ended. Sadly, I was too busy taking video of this momentous occasion to get a picture of Doug with his full balloon-breasts (before Loni's character popped one of them with her giant shears). I'll leave it to your imagination, readers.

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