A couple of years ago, Liam got a green plastic piggy bank from Grandpa Kevin. He loved getting coins so he could put them in his bank. On occasion, he's even gotten dollar bills as rewards from Joe and Bethany, and he never wants to spend his money on anything fun like matchbox cars -- nope, it's been straight in the bank for him. (Which, by the way, I think is an excellent habit to foster!) That is, until last week, when Max threw the bank on the floor and managed to shatter it into several pieces. Liam was crushed, so I promised him a new bank. Off I went yesterday to our local Evil Empire Superstore. I trudged up and down every aisle in the toy section -- no banks. I asked a salesperson, who pointed me to the stationery aisle, where they keep coin wrappers and sorters -- no bank. I asked another salesperson, who told me that they haven't carried piggy banks in a long time. I trudged to the checkout in defeat, and there they were: cardboard Tootsie Roll banks, only 94 cents each! So I got one for each of the boys.

Oh, the merriment that ensued! The studious concentration as they raced to see who could shove the most coins into their bank the fastest! The joy as they shook the cardboard tubes to hear the rattling of the currency inside. And then came the inevitable fall: They shook their banks too hard, and the little plastic tops came off, scattering coins everywhere. Suffice it to say, these banks are not made from the highest quality materials in the land. They'll do quite nicely for now, but I'm still on the hunt for a couple of sturdy, preferably unbreakable banks. Send us your tips, if you've got them.

1 comment:
Do a google search. You should be able to find cute banks that way. The girls have sterling silver banks (from Gund, I think). They're not breakable, but they do tarnish easily, which is a pain in the butt.
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