After weeks of practice, last night it was finally time for Liam's first Christmas program. Apparently, he'd been really strong in practice, singing loud and clear and enthusiastically doing all the gestures. But you wouldn't know it last night.
The program was at the boys' daycare, which is in a wing of the local Wesleyan Church. It started out promisingly, with a preview of the church's annual light show -- after seeing just the intro, I really want to see the whole thing, but I'm sure the boys would lose interest and make it impossible for me to watch. Then the kids came marching down the aisle. Liam did fine until he saw me, along with Max, Loni, and my mom and dad. Then he ran over and tried to climb on my lap. One of the teachers came and helped him up onto the stage.
As for the program itself, it consisted of about 8 or so songs over 20 minutes. I'll let the pictures speak mostly for themselves, but I'll add that Liam sang not one word. Mostly he stood there chewing on his fingernail (a wonderful habit he gets from his dad), but once he sat down when the rest of the group did, which I thought was progress, but then he just detached himself completely from the proceedings and started practicing his sign language ABCs instead. The whole thing was actually pretty funny.

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