It's just been this kind of week. The boys have been off schedule and taking it out mostly on each other, which really amounts to taking it out on us. So today, we hatched a plan: divide and conquer. Mike and Max hung out at home, then went together to the hardware store and grocery store. Meanwhile, Liam and I drove to Merrillville to take care of some post-Christmas errands at the mall.
First stop: Borders, where we hung out in the children's department and read a few books together before doing some gift-card shopping (thanks, Janis!). Next, it was on to Carson's to do an exchange. Then across the street to Old Navy, where we used a gift card Mike got LAST Christmas to buy the boys a couple of new blanket sleepers. Through it all, we had a blast. Liam was charming and polite to everyone we met, said please and thank you, and was exceptionally sweet to me. No freak-outs or meltdowns, no back talk or attitude. It was really nice!
After shopping, we went to Chipotle for lunch, a rare treat since we don't have one nearby. Liam got a cheese quesadilla and a lemonade. To my knowledge, it was the first time he's ever had lemonade, and he spent most of the lunch telling me how great it was. His quesadilla was pronounced both yummy and delicious. After lunch, we got back in the car to head back home. Liam fell asleep right away and I got to enjoy This American Life on NPR. We got home to find Mike watching football and relaxing while Max napped upstairs. It was too bad we didn't get to have a family morning, but it seems like there were fewer headaches all the way around this way.
Well, fewer morning headaches anyway. The boys were reunited this afternoon, and right away commenced bickering and have yet to stop...