This afternoon I picked the boys up from daycare, and on the way home a yard sale caught my eye -- I thought I saw a big four-drawer wooden file cabinet as we whizzed by. So I pulled a U-turn, left the boys in the car, and went to check it out. Sadly, it turned out to be a chest of drawers instead of a file cabinet, but then I spotted a great wooden bench/toy box for $12. I checked my wallet to discover that I had $12 in cash exactly, 10 singles and a bunch of change. So it was meant to be mine, right?
I told the lady that I would take it as long as I could fit it into my trunk. We tried to load it in, but nothing doing. (Note to self: When funds permit, get a jalopy of some sort to haul yard-sale finds with!) But apparently the boys caught the woman's fancy, and she wanted them to have the chest, so we struck a deal. She hauled the chest back to my house in her PT Cruiser, and in return I helped her carry all her stuff back into her garage as it started to storm. And now I'm the proud new owner of a nice chest/bench combo. Where we'll put it is another story, but I've got some ideas on that.
In other news, it was summer just days ago, and now we're all freezing. What a change! Poor Max gets a cold and earaches every time the temperature changes, so it's probably a good thing that he's fallen in love with this Oscar hat. I don't know how they got it away from him at school today, because every time I've tried to remove it, I've been met with wails. "My hat! Mommy, I want my hat! My hat! My haaaaaaaat!"

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