The party started around 3. We had a cookout with burgers, dogs, and polish. We also made way too much potato salad and pasta salad (we're still eating it! for every meal!). After the meal, it was time for cake and presents. Liam was very excited by all the fuss. He hasn't quite made the connection between birthday and presents yet (thank god!) so it was a nice surprise for him to get so many wonderful things. The highlight for him was the Nemo sandbox my parents got him. He discovered it out in the yard before present time and stopped dead in his tracks. "Whoa!" he exclaimed. Then when he realized what it was and that it was his to keep, he was thrilled. The boys played in it all afternoon, then wanted to go back again first thing the next morning. I'm sure they'll ask for it again as soon as they get home from school today.

The only blight on the day were the numerous injuries Liam sustained, probably excitement-induced clumsiness. In the morning, he fell on his face and scraped his nose and split his lip. Then in the afternoon, he fell on the sidewalk and managed to scrape off half of his big toenail. Yikes! Needless to say, he's forgotten all the pain of that in the face of extra attention and special medicine (neosporin) and bandages all for him.
Max had a great time too. He got a couple of presents himself, and was especially fond of the cake.

1 comment:
Love the little dent in the cake from Liam's chin!
Nice sandbox. The white picket fence play area in your yard with the big tree is like a dream for a couple of toddlers/boys and their parents. (When does a toddler become a boy child anyway?)
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