It's been a long struggle getting actual channels on our TV out here. Monday morning, the dish guy came and said the trees were blocking the sattelite view, but the other dish company should have a clear view (apparently their satellites look the other way). Tuesday morning. New dish company, same result: either cut down the trees or get cable. So we swallowed our hatred of the cable giant, agreed to their exorbitant rates, and made an appointment. After a week of watching Elmo in Grouchland and Finding Nemo practically in a loop, Friday morning and the cable guy finally arrived. The boys were in a high state of excitement and were waiting for him at the front door:

The cable guy had to do a lot of work in the yard because apparently the hungry area squirrels chewed through the cable coming through the house and he had to replace it (they'll be back to bury it in a couple of weeks). Still flying high, the boys raced from the front door to the back door to follow the proceedings:

Of course, once the cable was finally in four hours later, they were all worn out and ready for a nap on the drive to Yami's house. Figures.
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