Today, for the first time, Liam and Max met their cousin Gabriel. The boys had a great time playing outside, inside, all over the place. Liam and Gabe bonded very quickly by pushing a toy tractor back and forth to each other, and then it was off to the races. Sidewalk chalk, hot wheels, stump climbing...you name it, they had fun doing it. We all had a nice dinner (shish kebabs, yum!) and the boys even got to sit at their own special little table (they're not old enough yet to recognize or resent the implication of sitting at the kids' table, thank goodness). After dinner there was more playing, then Gabe, Matt, Kelly, and Grandma and Grandpa had to leave. We threw two tired, grubby, and happy litle boys into the tub, scrubbed them off, and once they laid down they fell right asleep from exhaustion. I guess that's the REAL trick to sleep training! Anyway, they all had fun, and nobody was hurt, except for Max, who took a header down the side of the big stump and scraped his little face. All in all, a very fun visit! The boys can't wait to go to Chicagoland tomorrow to see their new best friend Gabe again.