We went and saw Grandma and Grandpa Saturday. It was the first time we'd seen them since they got back from Ireland. They had gifts for everyone--wool hats for Mike and Max, a lovely scarf for me, and a double-decker green bus for Liam. He adores it. He hardly lets it out of his sight, and has insisted on sleeping with it every night. "Green bus, GREEN BUS!" he cries. And heaven forbid Max should touch the thing. "No, Max! My green bus. Nooooo Maaaaaaxxxx!" Anyway, he loves it. Here he is, proudly showing it off:

The same day, we went to Morton Arboretum so the boys could see the pumpkins, walk along the scarecrow path, and play in the children's garden. Sadly for us, it was frickin' freezing, so we stayed less than half an hour. The boys seemed to have a good time, even as their little hands and cheeks were turning into blocks of ice. Here's Max playing with some pumpkins and enjoying the scenery:
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