Friday, June 30, 2023

liam at nineteen


Yesterday, Liam made a mistake. It could have been a mistake with major consequences, so he was understandably upset and worked up. But he did what he needed to do to mitigate the damage, and it turned out fine in the end. It was a nice opportunity for him to remember what I think is one of the prime rules of being a good person: Everyone fucks up, and that's OK. It's what you do AFTERWARD that matters. Do you blame someone else, wallow in self-pity, or do something else destructive? Or do you take responsibility, own what you did, and set about making it right (or as right as you can)? And I am so proud of him because he consistently does the latter. 

This has been an incredible year of transition for our Liam. He's spent a full school year away at school, and now he's made the shift back home for the summer (which I remember being not so easy to do!), and soon he'll be moving into his off-campus apartment and starting his second year at Purdue. He is spending his summer working in a factory, by which I mostly mean getting an appreciation for how hard it is to work in a factory and how thankful he is that his education will be his ticket to a life spent away from the factory floor. He often sends me snapchats during the day, rating his job on a sliding scale from "this job sucks" to "this job ain't too shabby" and giving me little updates on how it's going. They never fail to make me laugh, even when I'm apologizing for not having been born into generational wealth that I can pass along to him to make his life easier.

At school, Liam has gotten way more involved in campus life than I ever was, and I'm proud of that too. He joined the Orbital Club last year, and this year he'll be a design lead for the group, which aims to build and launch a rocket. He joined the freshman honor society, and he's looking for other things that catch his interest. And he's balancing all that with challenging course loads of advanced math and engineering classes. In short, he's in his element.

He remains loyal to his lifelong group of friends, and they've gotten together regularly this summer to play D&D, have Nerf wars, and just generally goof around. He is also perfectly happy to sit around at home shooting the shit with his brothers for hours on end, all of them insulting each other, taunting each other, laughing together, and loving every minute of it. It makes my heart so happy that these fellas genuinely like each other. They are each fiercely supportive of their brothers, even if they give each other grief at every single turn.

Our Liam is fully an adult now, and he doesn't HAVE to come to us for anything. The fact that he still does tells me we've done something right with him. I can only hope that will always be the case.

Happiest of days, my boy. We love you so much, and we're so excited to be along for your ride.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

a fun week

Friends, I'm finally getting back into a good groove.

After being closed for six agonizing months, the pool at my gym is finally back open, so I've been going most mornings and catching up with my dear friend Connie while we walk and exercise in the water. I've been riding my gorgeous bike, and that makes me really happy, even though there are only like three roads I can ride on because all of the paved roads around here have been replaced with gravel, and I'm not risking my neck on that. The boys are happy(ish) with their jobs and summer routines, and Mike is in his element getting the garden in and filling in the remaining spots in our never-ending front garden project.

In short, life's been pretty good.

On Tuesday, my sister Bethany, our mom, and I got to meet Great-Aunt Rita for dinner in Valparaiso, which was so nice. Aunt Rita is one of my favorite people in the world, and I love it when I have the chance to hang out with her. (I also am QUITE fond of Marlene and Bethany, for the record.) Plus, the food was amazing. I ordered the special fajitas, and it took me the entire rest of the week to finish them! The fajitas are beef, lobster tail, and bacon-wrapped shrimp. Seriously decadent.

And this weekend, for Father's Day, we had a cookout at Bethany's house, and the kids (minus Max, who got called into work ... again) got to splash around in the pool and be idolized by their younger cousins Jack, Elsie, John, and Bevie. They can claim irritation at spending time with littles all they want, but I know the truth, and that truth is that they love the littles as much as I do. (Have I mentioned that Henry is spending every Thursday this summer at my mom's house to help her watch Jack and Elsie? Come on.)

Today is actual Father's Day, and we've just been hanging out at home. Mike bought a massive beef brisket at the grocery store yesterday, and now he's experimenting with the wonders of smoking meat on the grill using wood chips. I could have worked today (I have plenty to do!), but instead I took today to organize my office, finalize vacation plans for the next few months, and just generally catch up on things I let slide when I'm deep into work mode. It has felt really good to get some of these things crossed off my list!

Update: Mike just brought the brisket in because it reached the right temperature, even though he thought it would take another hour or two before it would be done. It still has to rest for like an hour, but as he brought it in, he yelled across the house, "Oh my god, Holli, it smells so fucking good. I don't care if it's cooked or not!" I can smell it all the way in my office, and I can verify that it smells AMAZING. I can't wait to try it!  

Sunday, June 11, 2023

happy 85 to kevin!

 Hot on the heels of Barb's 80th birthday, we have Kevin's 85th! Mike, Liam, Henry, and I headed to Naperville to mark the occasion with Johnny and Erin and the kids (Max had to work, so he missed out). It was a quick but fun visit, and really nice for everyone to catch up together after a pretty hectic spring. We had a perfect casual lunch and enjoyed some cake, and Kevin enjoyed having us all there to wish him the very best day.