Monday, March 27, 2023

the spring break that wasn't

Friends, we had such big plans. 

Liam, Max, and I were planning a trip to New England to knock a couple more states off my list (I'm determined to visit all 50 by the time I'm 50!) and do some exploring. I signed us up for a glassblowing class, an eagle-spotting river cruise, and an afternoon of axe throwing  all things I can realistically do even with my walking limitations. I planned a whole morning's worth of a game I called Hit or Miss, where I give them a short phrase and they decide whether it's a place they want to see (hit) or skip (miss). I had it all figured out.

And then it started snowing, and all the flights got canceled, and all the plans did too.

So instead of taking two days off plus an actual weekend, I ended up working all four days. Which was nice because it got me ahead in a big project that I can't wait to get off my desk, but not so nice because, well, I was working instead of off having fun somewhere with two of my favorite people. 

But don't cry too much for me. On Saturday afternoon, Mike and I took a little jaunt to Granger, where I got a new bike  my first new bike in 22 years! I took a test ride in the snow and driving wind, with my eyes watering and my fingers frozen, and it was SO COMFORTABLE. I'm in love, and I cannot wait for it to warm up so I can start riding more regularly again. (Did I *need* a new bike? No, the one I have is in great shape for having been ridden for 22 years. BUT it's a mountain bike, and as I've gotten older, it's gotten less and less comfortable for me to ride. The new bike is a cruiser with a step-through, meaning it's a lot easier to get on/off, and it's a much better design for me ergonomically. And it's not like I'm out here riding on mountain bike trails. Paved paths all the way, baby!)

Aside from that, it's been a super quiet spring break season. Liam had a week off, then Max and Henry had a week off, and Mike and I had no weeks off. Some news of note: 

Liam got inducted into Alpha Lambda Delta Phi Eta Sigma, an honors frat with way too many Greek letters that our cousins Kelsey and Emma also belong to. 

Max got his SAT scores back, and he was THRILLED to have matched (and even exceeded) Liam's score from the first time he took it. Listen, I'm not in favor of them constantly comparing themselves to each other, but I must imagine that when you spend your whole life hearing about how smart your big brother is, it's great to get some validation of your own big brain. FOR THE RECORD, I never doubted you, Max. I've always known how smart you are!

Max also got his first flat tire over break, and Mike and Liam had to drive to Culver's in the snow to help him deal with it. Whee!

Henry is busy filling out his application for National Junior Honor Society.

How did we end up with such smarties? We have no idea. But whether it's genetics, nature, nurture, or just plain luck, we'll take it. 

Also, I finished scanning in the Fort photo archives, and Mike stubbornly refused to let me share on social media any pictures of his starring role as King Molar in his third-grade production of WONDERFUL TEETH. Plus my niece Elsie is an exceptionally fast learner and has figured out how to work the stacking cups I got her. Clear early signs of brilliance.

Monday, March 06, 2023

week 12

 I have officially graduated from post-surgery follow-up visits! It's partly because I'm just at the end of the postsurgical period (which is 90 days), partly because the doctor is very happy with how my recovery is progressing, and partly because the doctor left on maternity leave the day after my visit last week. Naturally, I followed that visit by immediately Doing Too Much and making my foot start hurting in new and exciting ways. And by Doing Too Much, I mean that I drove to and from my appointment, walked into and out of my appointment, and had the audacity to stop at CVS on the way home. That's all it takes these days.

But don't worry, I've learned my lesson and I'm taking things very (some might say excruciatingly or even frustratingly) slowly. I had an appointment on Friday, and I wore the boot there so I wouldn't overdo it. I've been compressing and elevating and following all instructions. This morning, I rode my stationary bike for 5 minutes, and while my foot is sore, everything seems to be intact, so that's a start. 

Meanwhile, life goes on. Max went skiing for the first time over Presidents Day weekend, and he had tons of fun on the slopes with our cousin James and the rest of the Interact Club. By coincidence, the next day Erin took the kids to the same ski resort, and Jesse ended up breaking his leg. Dang!! We still got to meet up with them all to celebrate Max and Miles's birthdays, which was really fun. At the end of this week, Liam comes home for spring break, and it will be really nice to have him around for a while. Of course, they couldn't all have the same spring break week, so Max and Henry will be on break the week after that. Stay tuned because Liam, Max, and I are going to embark on a little adventure.