Friends, it's Monday, but I might need to take the week off to recover from last week.
On Monday last, we got new phones. This all came about because Henry slipped in a puddle of Thunder's slobber and cracked his phone screen. I knew Mike and Max both had cracks, so I started researching how much it would cost to get the three phones repaired. Guess what? It's EXPENSIVE. I know, I know. You're shocked. Anyway, for months now I have been getting these offers from our phone company saying that each of us qualifies for a new free phone, but I'd been ignoring them because it seems to me that those offers never really come for free.
Turns out I was right. After hours on the phone and much wrangling, I finally had a deal I was ok with, and the phones came Monday ... at which time I spent FOUR HOURS getting them all activated. Not even all of them, because Liam was away camping with his friends. It was grueling. It made me very, very cranky because I had a ton to do, not least of which was get ready to ...
Leave for a two-day conference in Chicago early Tuesday morning. Now listen, I like to joke that I don't like people very much, but the truth is I like people just fine ... when there are only a few of them. It may sound really weird, but I feel like I have a limit to the number of words I can process every day. That limit is higher for written words, of course, but for spoken words, it's fairly low compared to other people. Some people get energized by interacting with lots of people, but I just get exhausted and headachy, and it only goes downhill from there. So a two-hour drive, followed by eight hours of talking to people as a corporate sponsor, followed by cocktail hour, followed by dinner out with colleagues ... yeah, it was a lot. On the plus side, I had a lovely hotel room all to myself overlooking the river, with fabulous views of the skyline and all the quiet I could ask for once dinner was done.
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view from my room |
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view from dinner |
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from my room at night |
Don't get me wrong; I had a great time. I love seeing my colleagues in person and getting to know the ones I don't have established in-person relationships with. I laughed and joked and talked to all sorts of people to promote our company. I ate the most delicious dinner in excellent company. It was a great privilege for me to be there, and I appreciated it more than I can say.
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Did I mention they had snacks? You wouldn't believe how many people lined up to take pictures of this. |
But by the time the conference ended Wednesday afternoon, I was fried. Add to that the fact that I was worried about what was happening back home (because would I even be a mom if I wasn't trying to keep that impossible balance between work and parenting?). Back in Plymouth, Henry had oral surgery on Tuesday, which Mike was able to take him to. It went fine! He just needed to get some teeth exposed so the orthodontist can start pulling them out of his gums and into line. And on Wednesday, it was the first day of school — the first time I have not been home for it. Liam took his brothers to school for me, and he was even kind enough to get them to take a very reluctant picture for me. Look at these happy faces!
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so, so happy |
Oh yeah, and Liam himself was busy doing everything he could to put off packing for Purdue, and making me an absolute ball of stress in the process.
But once the conference ended, I drove out to Western Springs because it's been a while since I've seen Erin, Lucy, Richie, Jesse, and Miles, and yo, it's hard to keep my spot as top aunt if I don't see them! We had a lovely visit, and I gave them all some back-to-school treats. Again, I'm really glad that I went, but that meant it was pretty late by the time I got home.
A surprising amount of work had piled up in my absence, so Thursday I spent trying in vain to climb that mountain. The younger boys had eye doctor appointments, which Liam took them to. Seriously, what am I going to do without him? Friday was more of the same, along with a belated birthday dinner for my mom. Saturday was a work work work day.
And then came Sunday. The end/beginning of the very, very, very long week. So what did we do? We moved our firstborn into his new accommodations on the scenic Purdue campus. His friends texted me the day before to find out what time we were leaving, so they could hide at the end of the driveway and salute him off. Can you even? Look, Will is even on the ipad saluting because he left for school (in Alabama!) earlier this month. The friendship between these young men makes my heart so happy.
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the very best of friends |
The drive to Purdue really isn't terrible, about 90 minutes, so we got there with time to spare, then waited in line to get his registration, then headed to his dorm. He's on the fourth floor, so luckily he packed fairly lightly, and he and Mike took everything up in two trips while I waited with the car. Then Liam and I went upstairs while Mike found a place to park. We set up his bed, but then he didn't want any other help unpacking. In very short order, he was ready for us to leave so he could get settled in. Here is a faithful reenactment of our parting:
Liam: So are we gonna hug?
Holli: (hugs Liam) I'm going to miss you, you cranky asshole.
Liam: (hugs tighter)
Mike: (shakes Liam's hand)
And there you have it. Mike and I made our way back to the car and drove back home, while I felt alllll the big feelings. Not sad, because I know he's exactly where he needs and wants to be. But just ... big feelings thinking about how FAST it has happened. I know, I know, it's been 18 years, but it really has just flashed by. And I kept thinking about what an amazing ride it has been and how lucky I am to have brought him into the world and to have gotten him ready to be an adult. And now the balance has shifted, and everything is up to him than it is up to me now. He's responsible for himself now, and he's ready for that and excited to take it on. I'm so proud of him, but it will take some time to get used to this new reality.
We got home, and I went back to work. Henry had woken up Saturday morning saying his throat hurt, and he had fever/chills, but he seemed fine, so the plan was for him to just rest and hydrate and see how he felt Sunday night. Welp, he felt about the same, because it turns out that Henry has COVID. The first Fort has fallen.
He's doing just fine, and I will never stop being thankful for the science that brought us vaccines, because I never want to watch my baby suffer. He's home from school until Friday, but he's not alone: all of his lil homies have COVID too. Welcome to a new school year, kids! This is the fourth school year (!!!!) during these pandemic times, and you would think we would have adjusted better or, I dunno, improved ventilation systems or some shit. But nope! School remains a giant petri dish, and the current guidelines are to quarantine for the first five days after testing positive, then wear a mask for five more days, then you're free, free as the wind. Guess we'll find out how that works this year.
For now, the rest of us are, as Liam says, "feline fine." Mike, Max, and I all tested negative, and we're keeping an eye out for symptoms. Keep your fingers crossed that Henry's symptoms stay mild and it doesn't spread to anyone else!