Sunday, January 25, 2015

today in great ideas

The boys get their goat.*

*No goats were harmed during the making of these photos. Tater, my dad's goat, LOVES when the boys come over. He is particularly fond of headbutting them in the behind.

Friday, January 09, 2015


My dad's dog, Lucy, had puppies last night, so of course we had to rush over and fall in love. The boys are working on their persuasive essays to get to keep one, but I think Mike is standing firm against it. Time will tell ...

the not-so-great escape

He's running away, leaving forever, wearing his PJs and carrying his beloved octopus into the freezing tundra. His brothers will RUE THE DAY.

After three whole minutes, he came stomping back inside and declared that he will give them ONE LAST CHANCE. Whew.