Mike is not a morning person.
Saturday afternoon, we watched Liam conclude his undefeated (!!) soccer season, then we hopped in Mike's car and headed for Chicago, while the boys got to spend some quality time with Yami, Aunt Bethany, and Aunt Avalon. We had a hotel room overlooking Grant Park, and a night where nobody would wake us up crying or begging to be taken outside. It was just about perfect. We found a fantastic Thai restaurant, Ma & I, and we tried all sorts of new food along with some old favorites. It was incredibly good. And after a solid night's sleep, we were up at 4 (yes, that's a.m.) to go retrieve our bikes and set out on a 30-mile ride up and down Lake Shore Drive.

This year's Bike the Drive was different than the last one we did because we didn't have a nice, sunny day. It was chilly, and the fog was dense all over the city, which gave everything a spooky feeling that I really enjoyed. It was a long ride, but peaceful, with occasional glimpses of the skyline and the lake when the fog lifted for a minute or two. It never lifted for long, though, and we finished our ride and had just enough time to shower and check out of the hotel when the heavens opened up. So we beat a hasty retreat back to the Hoosier State, replaced cold and foggy with hot and humid, collected our very tired offspring, and took our slightly sore selves back home.