13 pounds, 15 ounces
25 1/4 inches long
He's a very healthy and happy baby, hitting all of his milestones. He proved that today by rolling over for the very first time -- while he was at the doctor's office. Mike took him to his appointment, and he's napping now, so it's a feat I have yet to see, but I can't wait.
His next checkup isn't for two months, but by then we can look forward to him rolling over regularly, possibly getting a tooth, and definitely putting everything he can get his little hands on into his mouth. We broke the news to Liam today that all small toys (especially the sea of Legos that seems to flow through our house) need to be kept upstairs so Henry doesn't choke on them. I've been looking forward to Henry becoming more mobile but simultaneously dreading it for that very reason. We didn't have toys with small pieces -- period -- when Liam and Max were little, but now I don't see a way to keep them out (they just seem to creep in all by themselves sometimes). So it'll be an adventure. We'll keep you posted.
See also: one month, two months, three months.