On Wednesday, we finally had a day that was warm enough so the boys could go outside and play for a while after school. There was still snow on the ground in the shady areas, but the air temperature was very comfortable. Liam and Max were reunited with their old friend the swingset, and had a blast climbing, sliding, swinging, and searching for pirate treasure with their telescopes. We keep telling them that days like this will become more and more frequent because spring is coming...but can you really blame them for not believing us? Today, it's back to freezing, with high winds and occasional tiny pieces of hail flying down. But at least we had that one mid-week reprieve from the cold.
Friday, February 27, 2009
signs of spring
On Wednesday, we finally had a day that was warm enough so the boys could go outside and play for a while after school. There was still snow on the ground in the shady areas, but the air temperature was very comfortable. Liam and Max were reunited with their old friend the swingset, and had a blast climbing, sliding, swinging, and searching for pirate treasure with their telescopes. We keep telling them that days like this will become more and more frequent because spring is coming...but can you really blame them for not believing us? Today, it's back to freezing, with high winds and occasional tiny pieces of hail flying down. But at least we had that one mid-week reprieve from the cold.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
the winter blues
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), also known as winter depression or winter blues, is a mood disorder in which people who have normal mental health throughout most of the year experience depressive symptoms in the winter.
so holli and i have the winter blues. at first i thought we were just in a rut, but then i realized that we've been like this for the past several winters, and the only thing that drives it away is spring. this diagnosis was somewhat hard to accept, as i'm pretty skeptical of "phantom" psychological disorders in general, but the symptoms are impossible to ignore. guess i won't be so dismissive of similar psych issues in the future. look at that, i've just changed my outlook on the world when presented with irrefutable evidence. if only everyone could be so honest with reality...
it's sad, really (no pun intended). i used to love winter, but now i want to move to ecuador. back in the day (seems about a hundred years ago now) i was a big skier and winter-outdoors guy, and i welcomed the snow and cold. just loved it. but i haven't been skiing since that time bz and i went to cascade in wisconsin, and brian gave some kid a forearm in midair and knocked the kid on his ass. ah, i wish i had a video of that, you'd die laughing.
anyway, we haven't been posting with any regularity, which is sad for you, the reader (again, no pun intended). so let me update you with the news from this small patch of mother earth:
as holli mentioned in a previous post, liam took it upon himself to cut his hair. he used safety scissors, but considering how close to his scalp he was able to cut, i don't think "safety" should be used in that title anymore. seriously, he cut it to the skin. the only way it could have been closer is if he used my razor, which is now on the top shelf of my medicine cabinet, although i doubt that will prevent him from getting it if he really wants it. so there was nothing to do but buzz the poor kid's head, and now he looks like caillou, the adorable yet extremely irritating cartoon character from the self-titled show the boys like to watch. i call him telly savalas and cueball, and he doesn't seem to mind.

max just wanted to let you know that he was holding pliers. don't forget it.
max is now three years old, and that vexes liam to no end, as he wishes his birthday was first. of course, it makes no difference when you tell him that he was born first, which i would think would be an endgame kind of fact.
hmm, what else? i'm tired of shoveling snow (stupid lake effect), holli is sick of working night and day, liam and max are in love with the thomas trains they got from their grandma (thanks, mom!), the upstairs bathroom renovation is nearing completion. oh, holli never blogged about the fun part of that!
so we're finally redoing the upstairs bathroom, and since we've never done tile before, we thought it might be a good idea to have some professionals handle the job. so the pros ripped up the old floor, redirected some piping, raised the toilet outflow pipe (in consideration of the higher floor level with the new tile), and other stuff, and in the course of their work, they discovered that a floor joist directly under the toilet had been severed and required a sister joist to make the floor secure and prevent us from falling through to the kitchen directly below. so the floor was partially torn up. during the several days the floorboards in the bathroom were missing, i kept noticing that greta and dora (the cats) had lots of sawdust and plaster chunks on their fur, but i didn't put it together. turns out that they were hanging out in the subfloor; there was plenty of room because the ceiling in the kitchen had been lowered in a renovation years or decades past. unfortunately, i didn't realize the cats' hiding place until about 20 minutes after the contractor closed up all the holes he had made in the floor. so i went up to the bathroom, called the cats' names, and sure enough, there was dora looking up through the cracks in the floor. and where one is, so is the other. so after ripping up the recently replaced floorboards and some coaxing with special food, dora emerged, but greta was nowhere to be found. i got the bright idea to stick a camera into the subfloor, and here is what i saw:

eventually greta came out too, and they spent the rest of the night locked in the basement. stupid cats.
so that's what's going on here these days. we're all ready for spring, working too hard, and playing too much (well, the boys, at least). i'm cooking italian soup tonight, so that should be good. and we're watching the oscars later, even though we haven't seen any of the nominated movies or roles. i have it on good authority that heath ledger will win, although the bad guys never win oscars.
so holli and i have the winter blues. at first i thought we were just in a rut, but then i realized that we've been like this for the past several winters, and the only thing that drives it away is spring. this diagnosis was somewhat hard to accept, as i'm pretty skeptical of "phantom" psychological disorders in general, but the symptoms are impossible to ignore. guess i won't be so dismissive of similar psych issues in the future. look at that, i've just changed my outlook on the world when presented with irrefutable evidence. if only everyone could be so honest with reality...
it's sad, really (no pun intended). i used to love winter, but now i want to move to ecuador. back in the day (seems about a hundred years ago now) i was a big skier and winter-outdoors guy, and i welcomed the snow and cold. just loved it. but i haven't been skiing since that time bz and i went to cascade in wisconsin, and brian gave some kid a forearm in midair and knocked the kid on his ass. ah, i wish i had a video of that, you'd die laughing.
anyway, we haven't been posting with any regularity, which is sad for you, the reader (again, no pun intended). so let me update you with the news from this small patch of mother earth:
as holli mentioned in a previous post, liam took it upon himself to cut his hair. he used safety scissors, but considering how close to his scalp he was able to cut, i don't think "safety" should be used in that title anymore. seriously, he cut it to the skin. the only way it could have been closer is if he used my razor, which is now on the top shelf of my medicine cabinet, although i doubt that will prevent him from getting it if he really wants it. so there was nothing to do but buzz the poor kid's head, and now he looks like caillou, the adorable yet extremely irritating cartoon character from the self-titled show the boys like to watch. i call him telly savalas and cueball, and he doesn't seem to mind.
max just wanted to let you know that he was holding pliers. don't forget it.
max is now three years old, and that vexes liam to no end, as he wishes his birthday was first. of course, it makes no difference when you tell him that he was born first, which i would think would be an endgame kind of fact.
hmm, what else? i'm tired of shoveling snow (stupid lake effect), holli is sick of working night and day, liam and max are in love with the thomas trains they got from their grandma (thanks, mom!), the upstairs bathroom renovation is nearing completion. oh, holli never blogged about the fun part of that!
so we're finally redoing the upstairs bathroom, and since we've never done tile before, we thought it might be a good idea to have some professionals handle the job. so the pros ripped up the old floor, redirected some piping, raised the toilet outflow pipe (in consideration of the higher floor level with the new tile), and other stuff, and in the course of their work, they discovered that a floor joist directly under the toilet had been severed and required a sister joist to make the floor secure and prevent us from falling through to the kitchen directly below. so the floor was partially torn up. during the several days the floorboards in the bathroom were missing, i kept noticing that greta and dora (the cats) had lots of sawdust and plaster chunks on their fur, but i didn't put it together. turns out that they were hanging out in the subfloor; there was plenty of room because the ceiling in the kitchen had been lowered in a renovation years or decades past. unfortunately, i didn't realize the cats' hiding place until about 20 minutes after the contractor closed up all the holes he had made in the floor. so i went up to the bathroom, called the cats' names, and sure enough, there was dora looking up through the cracks in the floor. and where one is, so is the other. so after ripping up the recently replaced floorboards and some coaxing with special food, dora emerged, but greta was nowhere to be found. i got the bright idea to stick a camera into the subfloor, and here is what i saw:
eventually greta came out too, and they spent the rest of the night locked in the basement. stupid cats.
so that's what's going on here these days. we're all ready for spring, working too hard, and playing too much (well, the boys, at least). i'm cooking italian soup tonight, so that should be good. and we're watching the oscars later, even though we haven't seen any of the nominated movies or roles. i have it on good authority that heath ledger will win, although the bad guys never win oscars.
Friday, February 13, 2009
hair cuttery
Yesterday, Max spent the day at home. He and Mike were both looking a little shaggy, so they went off to the barbershop. Their haircuts looked great, and all was fine.
Last night, the cable guy had to come to bring a new remote control. (Liam had managed to kill the old one by dropping it one too many times, and the cable doesn't work without it.) While I was busy dealing with the cable guy, the boys were happily ensconced in the office, coloring and cutting out Valentine hearts for me.
So the cable guy went out to his truck to prepare the paperwork for me to sign, and I walked back to check on the boys. Along the way, I kept seeing these tufts of hair on the floor. There was a tuft on the stairs, a few tufts in the kitchen, and a tuft on one of the ottomans in the office. At first, I just thought, wow, they did a terrible job cleaning up Max's hair at the barbershop. But then I realized that this was definitely too much hair to have been related to that.
When asked, Liam readily admitted that it was his hair. That's right, a home chop job. He said it was too long and that it was bugging him, so he cut it off. He said that he wishes he could get a haircut like Joe's. (Joe's head is shaved bald, in case you were wondering.) We still had Valentines to attend to last night, so Liam didn't get his haircut, but it's looking like we'll have to shave him bald since he's got a giant spot right in front that he managed to cut all the way to the scalp (I'm not sure how he cut it that close with safety scissors, but he managed somehow).
He's got the big bald spot, a bunch of other places chopped really close to his head, and one lonely curl in front that managed to avoid the slaughter. Needless to say, Liam's teachers were all very impressed when he walked into school this morning looking like this:

Last night, the cable guy had to come to bring a new remote control. (Liam had managed to kill the old one by dropping it one too many times, and the cable doesn't work without it.) While I was busy dealing with the cable guy, the boys were happily ensconced in the office, coloring and cutting out Valentine hearts for me.
So the cable guy went out to his truck to prepare the paperwork for me to sign, and I walked back to check on the boys. Along the way, I kept seeing these tufts of hair on the floor. There was a tuft on the stairs, a few tufts in the kitchen, and a tuft on one of the ottomans in the office. At first, I just thought, wow, they did a terrible job cleaning up Max's hair at the barbershop. But then I realized that this was definitely too much hair to have been related to that.
When asked, Liam readily admitted that it was his hair. That's right, a home chop job. He said it was too long and that it was bugging him, so he cut it off. He said that he wishes he could get a haircut like Joe's. (Joe's head is shaved bald, in case you were wondering.) We still had Valentines to attend to last night, so Liam didn't get his haircut, but it's looking like we'll have to shave him bald since he's got a giant spot right in front that he managed to cut all the way to the scalp (I'm not sure how he cut it that close with safety scissors, but he managed somehow).
He's got the big bald spot, a bunch of other places chopped really close to his head, and one lonely curl in front that managed to avoid the slaughter. Needless to say, Liam's teachers were all very impressed when he walked into school this morning looking like this:
quick update
Since we last posted, life has been busy.
We celebrated Max's third birthday with a party that was supposed to include some outdoor snowy fun, but didn't because it was 50 degrees that day (not that we were complaining!) and all the snow had melted. Max loved blowing out the candles of his Dora cake, opening his gifts (thanks, everyone!), and playing with his cousins.

We've kind of had a rough week this week. I get all stuffed up every time the weather changes, so sleep has been elusive, a situation that hasn't been helped by the boys' apparent pact to behave as badly as possible all week. On Monday, they "helped" me prime the bathroom walls, which was fun to watch. On Tuesday, our plumbing decided that it would be a good day to back up, causing our basement to be partially flooded with sewage. On the plus side, Mike took an unexpected night off to deal with the crisis, and the four of us went out to dinner because we couldn't bear to eat in the "poop house." Also on the plus side, the problem ended up being relatively minor (just one spot where tree roots grew through the pipe outside and plugged everything up) so it cost only hundreds of dollars, instead of the worst-case scenario they gave us of a few thousand. In the grand scheme of things, no one thing that's happened this week has been terrible, but all of the little things (don't worry, I'm not going to give you a complete list!) have added up to make this one of our more challenging weeks.

We celebrated Max's third birthday with a party that was supposed to include some outdoor snowy fun, but didn't because it was 50 degrees that day (not that we were complaining!) and all the snow had melted. Max loved blowing out the candles of his Dora cake, opening his gifts (thanks, everyone!), and playing with his cousins.
We've kind of had a rough week this week. I get all stuffed up every time the weather changes, so sleep has been elusive, a situation that hasn't been helped by the boys' apparent pact to behave as badly as possible all week. On Monday, they "helped" me prime the bathroom walls, which was fun to watch. On Tuesday, our plumbing decided that it would be a good day to back up, causing our basement to be partially flooded with sewage. On the plus side, Mike took an unexpected night off to deal with the crisis, and the four of us went out to dinner because we couldn't bear to eat in the "poop house." Also on the plus side, the problem ended up being relatively minor (just one spot where tree roots grew through the pipe outside and plugged everything up) so it cost only hundreds of dollars, instead of the worst-case scenario they gave us of a few thousand. In the grand scheme of things, no one thing that's happened this week has been terrible, but all of the little things (don't worry, I'm not going to give you a complete list!) have added up to make this one of our more challenging weeks.
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