Yesterday afternoon Max had a fever, so I went and got the boys early from daycare and brought them home. They came home during what would normally be their naptime, so they were both a little groggy. Liam suggested that we all curl up on the couch and watch some television. Normally, they watch an episode of Sesame Street in the morning and that's about it for TV -- and Max doesn't even watch most of the time. But yesterday afternoon something strange happened: Liam asked for Diego by name. So I found it in the guide and turned to the appropriate channel and didn't realize until afterward that it was 2:29 and Diego ended at 3:00. I apologized to Liam.
"It's okay, Mom," he replied. (His new thing is to call us Mom and Dad because apparently the -y ending is too babyish now.) "Blue's Clues is on next."
Wait, what?!?! Not only does he know what Blue's Clues
is (we've never watched it together), but he knows
the afternoon children's TV schedule too? I guess he's growing up without me.
Max and I weren't particularly interested in Blue or his Clues, so we decided to pack up some boxes while Liam made himself right at home on the living room floor, telling me what every character's name is and playing along with the game part of the show:

P.S. Max seemed fine this morning and went back for his last day of daycare today, in case you were wondering. That's right, it's their
last day of daycare. We're going to miss you, Susie and Lupe!